Invasive Barberry Removal Program Highlights (Sat. 11/6)
Below are a few photos highlighting last Saturday’s (11/6) Japanese Barberry Removal Program from Irvington Woods Park. Participants removed over 200 Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii) shrubs, helping to clear an area of 410 square feet! This work goes a long way to help suppress the population of blacklegged ticks (Ixodes scapularis) and lyme disease.
With the support of the Department of Public Works, the removed barberry shrubs will be incinerated to avoid seed/plant contamination into the site of another forested area.
*For anyone interested in volunteering this Saturday (11/13),
timeslots are from 10:00 AM – 12 PM and 12 PM – 2 PM.
Please register at:
(participants must be 12 years and older)
We look forward to seeing those that can make it this Saturday (11/13)!